An Exclamation Mark Kind of Day!
Welcome! New website! New blog! And lots of wonderful news! I am so excited to share it all with you!
Where to start?
First, I want to tell you about the amazing “Small Piece Aficionado (SPA) Society”.
I decided to found the SPA Society, as a place to gather online, to celebrate quilts made with small pieces and small blocks, and as an opportunity to honour those quilters who have completed small piece or small block masterpieces. Membership is free and open to all who appreciate these amazing tiny pieced works of wonder and commitment. As a SPA Society member you can add the initials SPA proudly after your name (it is a self granted degree), and know that you are in good company! There is a badge on the SPA Society page (in the navigation bar above) that you can use on your blog or website to let others know of your passion for small pieces!
I also know the effort, passion and commitment of those quilters who have completed small pieced or small block masterpieces. I wanted a way to recognize and celebrate these quilters and their quilts. The SPA Society page is just that, a way to say “Bravo!” To become an honoured member of the SPA Society, send me a photo of your completed quilt from one of our books or magazine projects, and have your quilting magnum opus posted on the SPA Society page. Oh, that sounds kinda glamourous! And as an honoured member, go ahead … flaunt your Hon. SPA designation with carefree abandon! You deserve it! Click the tab in the navigation bar above to see what recent inductees have been up to!
Next, all aboard for an amazing blog book tour for Small Pieces, Spectacular Quilts!
The tour starts July 18th with ten stops over ten weeks! You will be dropping in on some extraordinarily talented and enthusiastic bloggers, quilters, and antique quilt lovers. Each stop will be something different: tutorials, reviews, interviews, Q&A’s, a closer look at some antique quilts, and some spectacular interpretations of quilts and blocks from the book! And at each stop on the tour one lucky winner will receive a copy of Small Pieces, Spectacular Quilts! Thank you to my wonderful publisher, Martingale, for their support of this tour.
Be sure to follow along and check out each of the stops:
- July 18 Sew, Mama, Sew!
- July 24 Bemused
- July 31 Wonky World
- Aug 10 See How We Sew
- Aug 13 Quiltsalott
- Aug 20 Amy’s Creative Side
- Aug 29 Supergoof
- Sept 3 Quilts In the Barn
- Sept 11 Stitch This/Martingale
- Sept 17 Quilting With The Past

Have a great week and Happy Stitching!
Congratulations on a beautiful site–looking forward to inducting myself into the SPA Society!
Mary Elizabeth, your new site is wonderful! Beautifully laid out, professional, yet friendly, and wonderfully quilty. My goal will be to complete a small piece quilt to join your SPA Society!
Welcome to the world of Blogging. l am excited and looking forward to be being part of your book blog tour. Here’s to 10 weeks of fun!!!!
Congratulations, Mary Elizabeth! The site is beautiful and I look forward to spending lots of time visiting.
Love your new site! And I know exactly what that last photo is of…I use it very often!
great book like em all!
Congrats on your lovely site…what a nice place to visit! Your gallery of quilts is impressive, and I’m really liking Homeward Bound 🙂
I love the Pumpkin Peels design. It reminds me of double wedding ring.
Don’t own the books yet but would love to try the beautiful projects!!!
I have to say it’s tough to pick just one favourite from your book but I’ve narrowed it to Fourplay and Pumpkin Peel. Can’t wait for the tour.
I love my scraps and stash, I have been using up my extensive stash and scraps before buying any new projects and fabric lines. Looking forward to reading this blog, looks like fun! Thanks we quilters need to stick together…lol…!
Congrats on the new blog! I will definitely be a follower!
Love scaps and small pieces
I love the Pumpkin Peel!
Oh, I am so glad to see you blogging. This is so exciting!!
Congratulations on your new website. Pumpkin Peel is one of my favorites’.
Love the new site and the idea of SPA Society. My favourite quilt is Homeward Bound – love the connotation of the name – lots of meaning in it.
Hello Mary
I met you and Biz at the International Quilt Festival a few years back when you were introducing your first book. I purchased a signed copy and love it. I am assembling pieces to make the Rocky Mountain Thimble Quilt and used your suggestion of purchasing a plastic divider storage container to hold all the pieces. Love your second book. Keep up the good work. I will proudly display the SPA Society badge.
I love small pieces! Am working on OMG! by Sue Garman right now, and when I am done I will definitely qualify for the SPA! Very nice blog site, and I look forward to following you.
I have the cover quilt Pumkin Peel on my bucket list, but I fell in love with Molly’s Stars. Since I had a box of 600+ 1/2 sq tri’s I pulled together a one block replica of the star. The 1/2 squares finish at 1 1/4″ Love this book as much as your first one!
I think I like Go With the Flow the best. Maybe because it is a quilt I could actually make. But it just speaks to me.
I love Homeward Bound! All of them are beautiful!
My favorite is definitely the Pumpkin Peel quilt. Love the curves and the plethora of color!
Congratulations. I love the curve look of Pumpkin Peel.
What a great debut! Pumpkin Peel is beautiful, but I think too advanced for me yet . . . so, Go With The Flow would be my first choice.
Great book! I love Pumpkin Peel the best. I’m looking forward to the blog tour.
I love one more time. What a wonderful book!
Congratulations on your book and the tour. I have to say that “pumpkin peel” is totally amazing.
The book looks great. I have lots of scraps! My favorite quilt is Homeward Bound – love the colors.
From your Gallery, my favorite quilts are Homeward Bound and Pumpkin Peel
My choice would be homeward bound. Those blues together are so pretty.
I love Homeward Bound, it is stunning! Looks like a fantasic book, lexilucas [at] gmail [dot] com
Looking forward to the blog tour. My favorite pattern it Pumpkin Peel.
I really like the windmills quilt, but the pumpkin peel is a stunner.
My favorite quilt is Wassenaar Windmills! It’s terrific.
One More Time is my favorite!
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
My fave is making waves:)
I love them all but I think pumpkin peel is my fav!
My favorite is Pumpkin Peel. Curved piecing is intimidating……
Pumpkin peel and go with flow are my two faves for sure!
I like them all but Wassenaar Windmills is my favorite. Thank you for the chance to win! The book looks great!
I couldn’t pick just one! I love Go With the Flow and Pumpkin Peel.
Welcome to blogland! Homeward Bound is stunning–love the peaceful, yet dramatic colors. Good luck with your book tour!
Congratulations on a great book, saw a friend’s copy last weekend (mine is now on the way!) and was rendered speechless by the antique “Dresden Plate” with hexagons. What an unbelievable quilt…I love a challenge and I think drafting and hand-piecing that quilt would be fun! Best, K
Just love Pumpkin Peel. The colors are so vibrant. have always wanted to make a similar qiult, now I can use my stashah,looks a fabulous book. Thank you for the chance to win.
Also love the muted tones of One More Time. Thanks again
I love them all, but if I have to pick one, I will say Across the Pond. Can’t wait for the blog hop!
Oh, it’s definitely Fourplay…..that quilt is AWESOME!!!!!
The “small pieces of fabric stash” is growing bigger than the meter stash – so what joy this book will be – I think I love “Fourplay” the best.
Homeward Bound is stunning ! I don’t think I could ever get that pattern to turn out so nicely…all the others are wonderful too.
Your book looks amazing. Congrats on the new site!
I ahve both books. The new book I guess if I had to choose one it would be Wassenaar Windmills. I am hoarding the same purple fabric you used in this quilt. SO I am tempted to use it now on that quilt.
The book looks great. I have lots of scraps and this looks like the perfect solution! And, my favorite quilt is Homeward Bound!
I love your new book. All the quilts are beautiful, but my favorite is Fourplay. I’ve started piecing the blocks and they are so much fun to sew.
I have the book..and is is realey a beautiful one…the stars in the book are my favorite….and i love scraps to..;0))))
Have anice day
I like Pumpkin Peel the best and am planning to make it. Just can’t decide if I should make it brights or reproductions!
Love your new book, and love the new website too. Tricky to narrow down the wonderful projects, but I’m drawn to Wassenaar Windmills. Thanks for the give-away.
My favorite project would definitely have to be “Homeward Bound”! Love triangles!
My favorite is One More Time, but they’re all quite fantastic! Glad to see you blogging!
What a wonderful site. I’ll be reading each week.
They are all amazing small piece quilts. Across the Pond is my favorite. Unbelievable.
Have just discovered you….so glad I did!
I love ocean waves. One day I will make one. I’m very excited about SPA!
Definitely pumpkin peel, although the others are all terriffic!
I think Go with the flow would be the one I start with; I have been thinking about trying a string quilt.
wassenaar windmills is my favorite
Have enjoyed the blog hop already! My favorite is Pumpkin Peel, but I’m not sure how easy that would be!
I LOVE your new book and I think pumpkin peel has got to be my favorite. Thanks for sew much inspiration!
Hello Mary, I have ordered both your books from Amazon. I am still new to patchwork having just made a few quilts. I make mine all by hand and am looking forward very much to your books arriving, for inspiration and a project – or two. Kind regards, Ann, Australia.
Welcome to blogland! I look forward to reading all your future posts.
Wassenaar Windmills is my favorite. Thank you for the lovely gallery of quilts as is fun to keep peeking at them.
This tour is going to be fun to watch. I look forward to it. I think that Wassenaar Windmills is my favorite!!
What great quilts — it’s almost impossible to pick a favorite. …but, since you asked, I choose four play — and I hope to make it. Thanks for the opportunities and all the tips,
I love both Across the Pond and Go With the Flow—- must be the orange in them! Your work is amazing!
My Favourite quilt would have to be WASSENAAR WINDMILLS I have both of your books and love them. Just love lots of wonderful Repro Colour
I am enjoying your blog and the tour
I love the book. My favorite eye catching design is pumpkin peel.
I love Pumpkin Peel!
They are all awesome! My favourite would be Pumpkin Peel however.
Pumpkin Peel is my favourite followed by Homeward Bound.
Congratulations on the book, the blog and most of all the quilts. I have been wondering why I stashed little pieces by themselves. Now they will have a place to play.
My favorite project is the cover quilt. I really like the checkerboard way you have made the peels.
Congratulations on your website and new book. I have “Small Pieces, Stunning Quilts.” I am going through my stash in preparation for making “Leap of Faith.” I love making HSTs, the smaller the better.
Across the Pond is mind-boggling and my favorite. Thanks for having this giveaway.
The quilts are all wonderful, but I love Pumpkin Peel the most.
I love curved blocks, and small pieces, and scrappy colour, and white backgrounds, and a bit ‘random looking’ piecing (seams not matching up etc.).
Pumpkin Peel ticks all of these boxes.
Congratulations on your new book and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!
I love making quilts with small pieces. Your cover quilt would be the one I would make first.
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Fourplay is the most beautiful quilt I have ever seen! I just started cutting my scraps for a postage stamp quilt and for string quilts but now I want a real mini scrap quilt. I can’t wait to read your book!!!!
congrats on the new book, website, et al! you’re a busy lady! do love the pumpkin peel quilt! will be a new follower, too.
No puedo decidir. I think that”Go with the flow” is my prefer. Todos son maravillosos!
For me its a really tough choice between pumpkin peel and across the pond. I’d love to make both someday!
Lovely quilts! I do like Pumpkin Peel. Thanks!
While I’m utterly devastated by Across the Pond, it’s Pumpkin Peel that I’m most drawn to!
Love your scrap quilts. What a great way to use those tiny pieces. Thanks for the opportunity.
Four Play looks fantastic! It looks like a stunning use of scraps.
I just found your website and the blog hop through Amy. I love Pumpkin Peel the best, but the others are pretty too. I’ve only made 1 miniature before, but I hope to do more. Thanks for a chance to win.
I love Pumpkin Peel. Would be so happy to win! Thank you for the chance
Wassenaar Windmills is my favorite project, and I also really like Pumpkin Peel.
WASSENAAR WINDMILLS is the one I really like. Not sure I could make it but I really like it!
The pumpkin peel has to be a favorite but there are many that I LOVED!
My favorite is a tie between Homeward Bound and Pumpkin Peel. They are beautiful.
These quilts are all stunning! I can’t quite decide my favourite, I like Making Waves and Homeward Bound best.
Making Waves!! I love this pattern!
I am drawn to PUMPKIN PEEL. It looks autumn-like
and maybe a project I could actually accomplish!
love homeward bound from this fabulous book. i have saved some very pretty, very small triangular scraps for years [along with all my other scraps] that would be gorgeous in this pattern. thanx for the chance to win a copy of this book!
Oh I love Homeward Bound. I could see that in grey black and whites – yummy!! Super giveaway – I hope I am one of the lucky 10!!!
I like Pumpkin Peel the most.
Pumpkin Peel looks fabulous. I’d love to make that quilt!
My favorite project is Pumpkin Peel, it’s just darling.
My favorite is Pumpkin Peel. Great concept and beautiful quilts.
Thanks. It’s always helpful to see suggestions about using up small scraps. I hate to throw them away.
I love them all, but I really love Go With The Flow. No piece is too small!! Great impact with the big bold border!!
Scrap quilts are my all time favorites and it looks like you’ve got some great ones in your new book!
Hi Mary,
I love both the books you published. From the latest I’m still doubting which will be my first prject to make… Homeward bound has such beautiful colours, but Pumpkin Peel is a spectacular quilt as well with that really scrappy feel to it. I have so many projects that I’m working on, that I don’t have to decide right now which one is my favourite, but these two quilts are in my Wish-I-Could-Make-A-Quilt-Like-This-list.
I just found this blog through the blog of Supergoof. I almost finished a hexagon quilt, but am not sure it is in one of the books, since I haven’t seen them yet.
Hope to find your books soon in a shop, so that I can have a look.
I just love those tiny pieces, I thought mine were small but now I see that they can be smaller, wow.
Greetings Roos
Actually I love all the quilts in both of the books, but if I have to choose only one that would be “Across the Pond” cause it really looks like it’s moving like the inner parts of an antique watch. Some rows move up and others move down, and they all seem to go their own way. Everytime I look at it, I think “oh yes you see, they are moving” and it kept me confused for a little time, so I kept looking at that one.
Love it!!
My favorite is Across the Pond. What a challenge. I’m currently working on very tiny thimbles (1.5 cm) and have 2500 pieced together already. The plan: making it 10.000 pieces. So I’m not afraid of a challenge :))))))
I love Go with the flow, seen it on supergoofs blog and a link to jou’re site.
greetings from holland
My favorite is Pumpkin Peel: I want to test myself with round shapes in my next quilt.
I love them all but the cover’s quilt is wonderful!
Je ne gagne jamais j’acheterai votre livre comme j’ai acheté le premier ; Mais je vais suivre votre blog avec plaisir
I was reading Supergoof’s blog and learned about you and your new book. As a Dutch girl I love Wassenaars Windmills and the Homeward Bound too.
I love the quilt across the pond, and the pumkin peel is also a challange to make. Anyway if al go’s well i will buy the book this weekend because i love the quilts that are in it.
Beautiful site an I really like Homeward Bound.
Especially the colours.
I don’t have a favorite yet, I’m a beginner and I know not much about quilting, but I’m learning.
I like your giveaway and I go for a change.
I really like the Pumpkin Peel project. So striking and original!
I just finished 7000 Thimbles in a quilt and am thinking about the next challenge . I like to use little pieces for a quilt because i like to use a lot of scraps.
Wow! Just love this!
Ingrid (supergoof) started with her red timble quilt in Holland a Dutch rage. I also got the fever and I love it. Like the book with such colorfull scrap-quilts.
ook wil graag meedingen voor dit leuke boek
The making waves quilt! It is a wonderful design. For me it all started with the quilt of Supergoof.
I love the effect that smal pieces have.
I’ve started quilting about 1,5 years ago, but it is so addictive, I don’t think it’s possible to stop. In this book I see many designs that I would love to make! Can’t wait!
Me favorite is the pumpkin peel. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Quilt “GO WITH THE FLOW” is my favorite but there are many that I like. I am now working on scrappy Thimble quilt from your first book, so I have many happy days ahead of me!
What a lovely idea you all have and what a patience. I just started with the “mandjes” ( basket )quilt from Supergoof. I’s a lovely thing to have all scraps and again you have to do another quilt. Double joy. Yes i go for it… I’m very curious about the book. Love Ria
What a great idea the Spa Society!
would be magic to make a quilt out of all my left-overs. Especially Homeward Bound!
Seen it on supergoof blog what a fabulous book and site.
What a great give away. I read on Ingrid’s (Supergoof) blog about this give away and would love to enter this one. The project that I love from the book is the PUMPKIN PEEL.
How the heck did you get to the name wassenaar windmills?????;-)
Love that quilt and the homeward bount too!!!!
I just love this give away…
But I can’t choose between Homeward Bound and the Bars Quilt…*Ü*…
Wow, beautiful site and book. I like Go with the flow verry much!
I saw your book on Supergoof blog. On the cover I’ll see a quilt with a kind of rings. Reminds me that I have a weddingring waiting for me too finish.
It surely a nice book to put on my booklist.
Greetings from Holland.
I just love this gave away, it is a wonderfull book. Quilt greetings Jilly
I love them all, but have to pick homeward bound. thanks for the giveaway!
The Fourplay quilt is very sweet! Love it!
I have just found my way to your site, and I must say, I am loving every minute spend on it. Looking forward to reading more.
Joan in Australia
I think I’d chose One More Time although all choices look great!!
gyates625 [at] bellsouth [dot] net
My favorite quilt from Small Pieces, Spectacular Quilts has to be the cover girl; I’m looking forward to making my own version.
First of all: I love the entire book!! Then, when I have to pick my favourite quilt, it would be the log cabin on front!! I’m looking forward to buying your new book!
Greetings From Downunder!,
What a great book!
I have an instant affinity with Pumpkin Peel…….just love it
Love anything scrappy, and tiny pieces work well with scraps. This is a book I will be looking to purchase.
I love them all! But I think I must make the Go With The Flow. That just thrills me!
Congrats on the new book. So many beauties, pumpkin peel is so wonderful. Thanks for the chance!
All the quilts are gorgeous but my favourite is One More Time.
Love both Fourplay and Pumpkin peel. They really caught my eye as a project I’d like to make. Love the cover of your book. Thanks for a chance to win.
I loved doing my 24×24 kalideoscope wall hanging and these look like as much fun.
I just love small quilts and the ones in your Small Pieces Spectacular Quilts book. I’m a scrapaholic and I can’t wait to do the wagon wheel…and then move on all the rest. Just a fabulous book.
Oh…. the patience that I need to complete a beautiful FOURPLAY quilt ! Please Lord, give me the patience !! it is beautiful !
ALL!!!ALL are beautiful! And I want your book!! Thank you. Daniela
I like fourplay the best, but all of the quilts are great.
So many I really like, but I’d start with Waaaenaar Windmills. Maybe move on to Ocean Waves.
Your new book look great! I love Pumpkin Peel and Making Waves!
Difficult to pick one only of your stunning projects. I’d probably vote for WASSENAAR WINDMILLS as my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway.
Oooooh. Really happy to have found you through the Martingale link. These quilts are wonderful. My favorite has to be Go With Flow. Would work just great with so many of my little strips leftover from things. look forward to checking in on the SPA page to see what everyone is doing.
Congratulations on the book and the blog! While I’ve never created a small piece quilt, I find them beautiful, especially the Pumpkin Peel. It is the first one that caught my eye.
Glad to have found you through the Martingale link. Love the small piece quilts. My favorite is definitely Go With The Flow. Would be great for all my leftover strips.
My favorite is “One More Time,” but they are all terrific!
I like the Pumpkin Peel. I like to sew on small things so think this would be fun.
These beautiful quilts made me think of the ones my grandmother made. What lovely colors; all seem to be at home with each other. The “pumpkin peel” is so much a treasure; it begs to be caressed. Keep the books coming!
Simple Gifts is my favorite, just marvellous! My adult son would love to have one of these, made by Mom, of course!
I love all your small piece quilts because I love the fact that you use antique quilts as your inspiration for them. You must have such patience!!!!
I do particularly love across the pond. It is sensational
Homeward Bound looks like my kind of quilting. I have not made a really small piece quilt but often use smaller pieces to make my quilted scrapbook covers.
I love Homeward Bound!
They’re all beautiful, but a was able to narrow it down to 2 favorites, Making Waves and Pumpkin Peel.
Great Site! also thanks to martingales stitches for turning me on. My fav. would have to be the Pumpkin Seed. But I would use a dark background.Also just for giggles your site will shorten my bookmarks THANKS for the GIvEAWAYS.Going to get the book today “THANKS”
All of the quilts are fabulous–esp. Across the Pond. I love scrappy quilts and all of these fit the bill!
I am definitely a candidate for the SPA Society. Can’t stand to see any scrap going to trash!!! Love the blues and yellows in Ocean Waves and the Waaenaar Windmills would be fun to make, too! Congrats on your books!
Vim de link da martingale,moinhos é o que eu escolho.Só trabalho com sucatas literalmente,sou viciada em hexágonos de todos o feitios [dot] Obrigada [dot] tiacarminhapezzuto [at] gmail [dot] com
I love and would like to make all of these quilts, but I think my favorite is Go With The Flow.
So glad I found your site! I’ve unofficially been a member of the SPA (you should see the bags of scraps…small scraps…that I have kept…a lot taken from other quilter’s garbage at quilting retreats! I will buy your books so I will be inspired to use the scraps and prove to others that I did do something with their trash!!
“Across the Pond” is my favourite, but “Go With The Flow” seems more at my skill level!
I am so glad my Martingale e-mail shared your site.
Such beautiful work, but I especially love the Pumpkin Peel quilt!
Great new blog…will be one of my favorites….your quilts inspire me to go play in my scrap boxes….i would love to add your books to my library…thanks for the chance to win one…LindaB
Love, love , love these quilts! How to pick just one favorite? I’ll just go with the scrappiest quilt of all, Go With the Flow! I love the many tiny strips and the bold modern look of the solid surround! Wow! I hope I win your cool book!
I received your book a few weeks ago and I love all the projects but the first in my to-do list is Pumpkin Peel.
“Fourplay” is my favorite of the quilts I’ve seen. I think the choice of solid fabric is brilliant.
The chance for winning the Small Pieces Spectacular Quilts book would be a wonderful way of adding to my small quilting book library. As a pensioner I have to save for these small pleasures as the money is tight, as with the downturn of the economy all over the world. Spending has become a luxury so having a book specifically for the spare pieces of fabrics stored in my craft room would be a chance to use them all up with the wonderful new quilts seen on the other blogs. Thank you for the chance to win any of the quilting prizes, they would be greatly appreciated.
Marion BP
I think Making Waves is my favorite, but they are all so beautiful!
I love all the small pieces! I am in the process of collecting 2-1/2″ squares to make a postage stamp quilt. It’s a lot of fun and easy to cut a few pieces each time you cut fabric for another project. And I am saving small strips in hope of doing a string quilt.
Love the book and your blog! I just finished a Pine Burr quilt using John Flynn templates, 75 pieces in a 17″ block. I love it and just want to keep making them!!!
What a nice blog. Book looks fantastic. I love the look of the smaller quilts. Can’t wait to get started!
I am truly a use it up quilter. This fits right in for my saving ideas. Beautiful quilts that I would love to try. Thanks for sharing, I am not yet ready for a degree but I’m willing to work toward that goal. Thanks for the opportunity.
I certainly have pleanty of “small pieces” as in tubs. If I could win the book, maybe they would get used. Very inspirational
What a nice book and great ideas to use up all those scraps, no matter the size! If I had to pick a favorite just now it would be “Go With The Flow”. You could use absolutely any fabric of almost any size to make a quilt that looks both antique and modern.
Love the quilts from the new book. very colorful. I love scrappy looking quilts with stunning design features. You got it bang on. Looking forward to your future blogs….
I love “Fourplay”. All the tiny pieces and colors are fantistic.
I was just looking at your blog about the design wall. That’s a great idea about the foam insulation. My work was throwing away some posters that were made of foam core board
(it’s like 2 layers of poster board with foam between)and I am useing one of those with one side covered with flannel that I masking taped to the back. I have had it for maybe 10 years and it is still working. The one advantage to the foam insulation is that you could pin into it. With the foamcore board I just pin to the flannel. Thanks for the new idea!
These are amazing quilts. I collect scraps, but these just don’t look like junky scrap quilts, they look great! I love the variety of fabrics and especially the variety of ideas!
I love Homeward Bound because I love Amish
quilts and the blue colors are striking. I would love to make it.
I am just fascinated with the itsy bitsy pieces that make up a quilt. And totally scrappy is the way to go! Thank you for your inspiration and ideas.
I am well on my way with the log cabin blocks made of 1″ strips. I really love the not usign foundation and the chain piecing. Log cabin is an all favorite pattern. I must confess, I have a few blocks that are slightly too small. Will have to see what to do about that!
I love the look of Go With The Flow. Thanks for the giveaway.
What a great book, all the quilts are beautiful, but I love the Fourplay. What a fun way to use the basic four patch.
I quite a bit of small scraps that I can use to sew patterns from your books. I have enjoyed all the post from your lovely hostess and what great tips to sew small pieces. Love the pumpkin peel design. Thank you for sharing…Judith, Texas
Lovely blog, lovely give- away. I can’t choose between Fourplay and One more time. Love the tiny pieces in Fourplay, love the colors in One more time.
got itty-bitty pieces just itching to be in block or even an entire quilt!!!
I loved Molly’s Stars and Pumpkin Peel. SOme of them are a little overwhelming for me. But I can still appreciate the patience and endurance that it took to make them. I’ve been collecting a basket of small squares for about 2 years that I would like to use for a project like these quilts. Just now sure how to start. I guess you just have to dig in!
I really love Making Waves. I really like the colors together and when I look at it, I really feel like I’m looking at changes waves because in one spot the yellow will pop out more and in another the green or blue. Thanks!
Your book looks amazing – congratulations!! I have just completed the Mrs Billings coverlet from Somerset Patchwork, all hand pieced and 94 inches square. Was too afraid to add up the number of pieces! Hope that qualifies me for membership to your SPA!! Cheers.
What can I say that others already haven’t? Congratulations on a beautiful book and interesting website!Homeward bound has me intrigued. I’ve been playing alot in my mind with solids lately, so…….?
Your book intrigues me as I love scrappy projects, but have never made anything using such small pieces for a group of fabrics. The quilt in your book that is one of my favorites is the one that uses square in a square several times for each block. Amazing!
Great blog!
Being a gardenter as well as a quilter, I am drawn to Pumpkin Peel as a way to use all those little pieces I just can’t seem to throw away.
Your site is wonderful, congratulations! I love all of the patterns in the book, but I think the first I would make would be Wassenaar Windmills. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
The windmills are my fav. After all, I’m Dutch:)!
Welcome to blogland – I love making small quilts too and I look forward to getting to know you! Thanks for a great giveaway.
Today’s post of the quilt that Lucy is making is now a favorite – such cute little windmills/pinwheels.
LOVE these quilts! I’ve never tried to make anything with so many tiny pieces, but I definitely want to — they’re beautiful! My favorite, I think, is Four-Play– but really it was a tough choice, because I love them all! 🙂
In my ignorance, the first quilt I began was a small-piece-giant-project! Years later, it is still resting, in pieces, in ziplock bags in my project footlocker. Your quilt, Homeward Bound, and your blog are insiring me to pull it out and finish it this fall! Thanks!
Fourplay is stunning! I’d LOVE to win one of the books!
Thanks ~ Jeanne
Simple Gifts is the one I do want to make of course!
I love the centre and you see the corners, stunning.
Have a nice day, Marianne
I just love the Wassenaar Windmills pretty. Please count me in :o)
I just found your blog, I’ll be checking in from time to time. I loved the first book these girls did and now this one. Homeward Bound is perhaps my favorite.
My favourites are the Bars and Fourplay, but all the quilts are beautiful! I found your blog via Lucy in Holland. I love making small quilts.
My favourite is the Pumpkin Peel! A job well done to all you quilters!