One Week, One Thing Challenge

This weeks’ blog book tour stop is Amy Ellis of Amy’s Creative Side.  Amy is an author, prolific blogger, founder of the online Blogger’s Quilt Festival, and co-founder of The Sewing Summit a modern sewing and blogging conference being held this October 11 – 13th in Salt Lake City.   About a year ago, Amy started the “One Thing, One Week Challenge” which she stresses is not to create stress to complete something but to provide motivation to do so.  The first Monday of each month her readers can decide on one thing that they want to challenge themselves with for the following week, then they tell her about it in the comments and a week later, she has a linky so everyone can check out each other’s projects.  There is nothing like public declaration to motivate!   I liked the idea of the challenge and decided to create a challenge for myself in honour of Amy’s post on the blog tour!  Lucy, of Quilting With The Past has been working on a sweet quilt in a delightful colour palette.  You might remember Darra’s post about how I organize my scraps.   I dove into my tackle box of 1 1/2″ squares and inspired by Lucy’s colour selections, this is what I came up with:  

  I knew that I needed to round out some of the colours, so I went to my loose scraps and to my fabric buckets and pulled these.  I love fabric pulls.  It means a chance to visit with my fabrics and fondle them!  

    So what did I make?  This is the start and a peak until next week …  

  Do you see the square with the tiny blue and pink flowers?  

  That is the first quilting fabric that I bought back in 1975!  Do you remember your first quilting fabric?   If you are stopping by for the first time, be sure to click on my inaugural post and leave your comment to have a chance at one of the ten giveaways.  And next week’s blog book tour stop, Wednesday August 29th, is Ingrid at Supergoof!  And be sure to check out the latest “Honoured Spa Society” member, Mickey Mowry!   Have a great week & Happy Stitching!


  1. Amberlea says...

    That is so awesome that you still have remnants of the first quilting fabric you bought! Amazing! And I love the sneak peek! xo

  2. Zuzan says...

    I love your first fabric bought 37 years ago which shows the test of time. Have you anything with this fabric?
    Thanks for the little look..

  3. Ria says...

    What an inspired women you are. I got your site from Supergoof. It’s beautyfull what you make from litle pieces.
    I must not surf so much on the internet but give my time to patch and quilting.
    Love Ria.

  4. Judy says...

    Your blog came to me by way of “Quilting With The Past”. You’ve given quilters a wonderful place to visit for inspiration. Thank you!

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