A Compact Classic Colour Combination

It is easy to miss the event it seems to happen so rapidly!  Beside the front door at my parent’s house is an exquisite “Arnold’s Promise” witch hazel bush.  After a showy display of intriguing flowers in the spring, rich green leaves grace it’s branches all summer long.  Then, it seems, one day in the fall the green is pushed to the edges as red and orange rush into the centre of the leaves.



I never fail to stop in my tracks each fall to admire them.  These leaves remind me of one of my favourite quilting colour combinations … red, green and cheddar!



This gift of nature could not have been the colour inspiration for these antique quilts, as this plant was only developed in 1929 by William Judd at the Arnold Arboretum, now part of Harvard University.  But it is a lovely reminder to put a quilt in this colour combination on my quilt bucket list!


Treasury of American Quilts, Nelson and Houck, page 162.
The four block design of this circa 1850 quilt from New England “explodes” with energy!



Crib Quilts and Other Small Wonders, Woodward and Greenstein, page 51.
The rich green fabric used for the leaves in this circa 1865 Pennsylvania quilt looks black in this photo.


What’s on your quilt bucket list?


Have a great week


Happy Stitching!



  1. This is so amazing! I have a very similar 4-block quilt on my bucket list! The antique I saw a show has more of a soldier’s grey for the green parts…..I’m sure from fading. But I just love it with that grey. These two quilts are gorgeous! And I love that inspiration leaf……the plant must be amazing!

  2. barb says...

    what a lovely post. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that shrub – lovely
    The applique quilt took my breath away – just gorgeous. I pinned it, I hope that is okay

    • mekinch says...

      Hi Barb,
      I think the cheddar in the quilt makes it. I don’t think it would have as much life if it was just green and red. And all those berries. You are so right … breathtaking!

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