Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #6

Pine Tree, c. 1880-1890.  Ardis and Robert James Collection, IQSC. Maker unknown.


The name of this one says it all … about the time of year and the season of celebration!   Simply lovely!


We like short needle Christmas trees in our house.  What about you?  Do you prefer short or long needles on your Christmas tree?


Happy Stitching!


  1. Definitely short needle. And loaded with ornaments, strings of beads, and white lights. Our motto: If you can see green, there’s not enough stuff on it! lol

    I love this beautiful Pine Tree quilt. So pretty and graphic set in the mirrored image.

    • mekinch says...

      I agree graphic and yet peaceful at the same time … not something you can say about every graphic quilt.

  2. Joy V says...

    That is a beautiful quilt. Ardis and Robert have some magnificent ones. Sorry but we (or I) don’t have pine trees at Christmas – we cut a bough of one of our native trees (in Aus), usually the bottlebrush as it has red flowers.

    • mekinch says...

      Sounds like a lovely tradition! When I looked it up online, it has such fascinating flowers! Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

  3. We’re definitely a short needle family! Love the quilt, ME.

    • mekinch says...

      This year we got a tree that I swear is 15 feet tall! Doesn’t help to have a son who is 6’5″ deciding what a tall tree looks like! it is all in the perspective!

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