Twelve Quilts of Christmas 2018 – #12

Floral Crib Quilt, American, c. 1850-1880, 39″ x 46″, Artist Unidentified. From the Collection of The American Folk Art Museum (Accession Number: 1998.13.2. Photo credit: Gavin Ashworth, Gift of Cyril Irwin Nelson)
This last quilt of this year’s celebration of crib quilts is so festive and bright, it just seemed the right note to end on.
I adore that you can see the hand of the maker in this one, whether it is in the individuality of the points of the tiny dogtooth border as they undulate along the edge, or the slight variations in the yellow buds that burst from between the green and red leaves, and the fact that some leaves are green and some red. Love that! And then there is that one bit of the tulip that snugs right up into the border. That little element does not detract at all from the overall beauty of it. The quilting on it is detailed and plentiful for something this size.
And you will notice that the central design is slightly off centre. Just ever so slightly … and it doesn’t matter. This quilt is elegant, and there was love in every stitch.
We know about that. We pour love into our quilts too. Still, there’s something so special about quilts we make for babies. They just seem to have extra love sewn in, if that is possible. What lucky, lucky little ones to have slept under all the joy these quilts contain.
Thank you so much for joining me this year. I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all the very best for the New Year!
Mary Elizabeth
PS: There has been such a strong response to so many of the quilts hightlighted this year, I am keen to get some feedback. So here is my question to you: If there was to be another quilt-along (wink!) to be chosen from this years celebration of crib quilts, which one would you choose? Leave your response in the comments below.
Oh, this was a tough one. How about the bow-tie crib quilt? Enjoy all your family on this special day.
Thanks for the 12 Crib Quilts of Christmas. I love all of them. For a QAL? #9 has my vote.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for sharing your love of antique quilts. I can’t just pick one, they are all so wonderful. Love the imperfections which make the quilt more appealing.
#9 gets my vote. Merry Christmas to you!
I love 9! (But also 10 and 11 and 3). This series has been a highlight of my holiday season! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Aw thank you Darcy!
Another stunning quilt! Love the borders, and those giant crescent-shaped green leaves….they are too much fun! And my vote is a toss up between #9 and #10….both would make for an awesome sew along! Can’t wait to see what your choice is!
Thank you, Mary Elizabeth, for yet another spectacular quilt show! And I love that you chose cribs quilts….they really are extra special. Merry Christmas to you, and best wishes for the coming year!
I really like #5, which is applique, and #11, which has lots of small pieces!
Well…#9 for sure, but 7 has me thinking…they are wonderful! Thanks for the details. Happy New Year Mary Elizabeth!
I would absolutely love to make the double sided quilt in a sew along, and I love your version of that quilt.