Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #9

Originally from Phyllis Haders’ collection, she wrote about this quilt: “Applique quilts made by the Amish are unusual. The tulip blossoms in this quilt have been cut from velvet, which may well represent an intrusion of Victorian taste into the culture of the plain people.”
For me, this quilt is stunning. I love how the deep chocolate brown ground sinks back, true meaning of background, and the way it makes the red, black, blue and white tulips pop, as the green stems and leaves sink gently into the middle ground. What looks like a tulip done all in one red fabric, is actually a red tulip done in two very close shades of red. That block along with the blue and black tulips that are similarly done in two low contrast fabrics, along with the single black tulip give a sweet charm to this quilt as well as places for the eye to rest. The stitching between the blocks, like seen on crazy quilts, is a delightful addition that adds significantly to the folky charm of the quilt, which is actually quite sophisticated in its design.
I adore this quilt. What about you? Do you see anything additional?
And does anyone know the location of this quilt now?