Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #3

Green and White Applique, c. 1860-1880.  From the International Quilt Study Center, Byron and Sara Rhodes Dillow Collection



Another mystery block! I love the way the “arm” elements of this pattern curl around the hearts.


Back to Brackman I went, this time to her Encyclopaedia of Applique and the closest I could find was on page 96, #24.4 “Double Hearts”, only the quilt above doesn’t have the double hearts of the illustration in the book.  What they share are the floral centre, four elements, a heart motif and symmetry.


“The call lines are open!!!!”  Has anyone seen this pattern before?


Happy Stitching!


  1. Dawn says...

    Perhaps a papercut she used to ‘make it her own’

    • mekinch says...

      I think you are right. This one is an original!

  2. This is lovely. I can just make out a feathered border, and cross-hatching throughout the center. And the rounded corners… it! Thanks for sharing!

    • mekinch says...

      Aren’t the rounded corners wonderful. I have never tried them on a quilt, but I think I am going to have to!

  3. Carin says...

    I never seen this pattern before but I love it. its so beautiful.

    • mekinch says...

      I want to call the pattern graphic, and I think that is because of the clean lines of the design, enhanced by the contrast of the green and white. It is beautiful.

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