Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #4

Crown of Thorns, c. 1850-1875.  Made by Mrs. L.E. Borin.  Winedale Quilt Collection, Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin/The Quilt Index.


Even with two borders removed and rebound, this one is still a beauty!  It sparkles and shines.  Not clearly evident in this photo, there is some spectacular quilting and trapunto in the open areas.


What quilt design would like to make in green and white?


Happy Stitching!






  1. This one is gorgeous! I love the NY Beauty, and have never seen it in just one color. The trapunto is wonderful, too. I think I might be tempted to try a strippy quilt, with flying geese, and on-point 9patches in the various stripes. I think the green and white would create and interesting optical effect.

  2. mekinch says...

    Okay, now I want to SEE the quilt you are describing! Thank you for sharing Regan!

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