Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #7

Vermont Pine, State Historical Society of Iowa/The Quilt Index, c. 1901-1929.                   Made by Anna Hartley Kirk



This quilt is a vivid example of  visual movement!  When I look at it my eyes leap between the “spinning circle” with the small square centre and the “sailboats” balancing on the large square (“four corners of the world” maybe!!).  Imagine this quilt without the borders to tame it!


There is a great variation on this design on Shelly Zegart’s website.


In the quilt above, “one of these things is not like the other!”  But it still so belongs!  Do you see it?


Happy Stitching!


  1. I love quirky blocks like that…..and have made that mistake more than once myself! I’ve caught it and fixed it before it’s all together, but a part of me would love to leave it in one time! :o)

    • mekinch says...

      I have caught all of mine too! I think the idea of a humility block is really a “I didn’t catch it” block! And I have come close a couple of times. Pinning a sample to my pincushion as reference has saved me many a time!

  2. Carmel Lewis says...

    I looked at this beautiful quilt for a long time – and then I suddenly saw the difference. The border on the right is different. Took a while to figure this out.

    • mekinch says...

      Carmel, you got it!!! Took me a moment to catch it too!

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