Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #8

Fox and Geese Variation, c. 1876-1900, State Historical Society of Iowa/The Quilt Index. Made by Hulda Sloan.


After the intensity of movement of the last quilt, the simplicity of this quilt is a breath of fresh air.

Okay, I know this quilt is not a pattern that refers to them, but this quilt makes me think of snowballs and wanting to go outside and make a few … which of course means throwing them … which of course means having to build a fort for protection in the battle!  I can still remember the night my mom had to pull me in for dinner as I was building the most awesome fort!


What’s your best snowball memory?


Happy Stitching!



  1. This is my only snowball memory….I think it’s obliterated all others! When we first moved to Maine, hubby and I were all excited about cutting our own tree for Xmas. We went to the tree farm, and were walking up and down aisles to choose one; a lovely, romantic time, in the fresh air among the beautiful trees. So, hubby got it in his head to be ‘playful and fun’ and toss a snowball towards me. Well…..he ended up pegging me in the head with an iceball! I started crying, cuz it really did hurt, and it was all I could muster to control myself, regroup, and try and enjoy the finding of the tree! He swears he was just trying to toss it my way, and that it wasn’t an iceball…..but I know better! And now, every year we go to cut a tree, we make a joke of “No snowballs! I mean it!”

    • Forgot to say, I love this quilt. It’s so light delicate looking, and I love the one block in a darker green.

      • mekinch says...

        I did not notice that until you mentioned and I took another look!

    • mekinch says...

      That would be a memorable snowball moment! I hope one day you have a happy one to replace it!

  2. debby says...

    Oh my goodness, Mary Elizabeth! I just came over to visit from TQS, and I really enjoyed your site, so I was bookmarking it, and I saw that you co-authored the book “Small Pieces, Spectacular Quilts!” That was such an impressive book–I ordered it for myself for Christmas. Glad to have connected with your blog.

    • mekinch says...

      Debby I am so glad you stopped by and that you are enjoying the book and website. Nice to “meet” you!

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