Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #9

Feathered Star, c. 1860-1890, State Historical Society of Iowa/The Quilt Index.                  Made by Bertha Horak Shambaugh.



This quilt measure 90 x 107. The small scale triangles on the feathered star (and I love small pieces!) I think finish around and astonishing 3/4″.


What is the smallest half square triangle you have sewn?


Happy Stitching!



  1. Barbie says...

    Another astonishing quilt for us to savor! Thank you so much for sourcing out these 12 quilts of Christmas – can hardly wait to see the last three!

    • mekinch says...

      Thank you Barbie. I am so glad you are enjoying the quilts.

  2. Pam says...

    Quilts are gorgeous. I have watched this series on PBS twice and can never get enough of it. Lovely.

    • mekinch says...

      Pam, thank you for stopping by. I am so glad you are enjoying the quilts.

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