Update – Printing From An eBook
I have been exploring ebooks more, as it dawned on me that I might like to print a template for something like, say, Pumpkin Peel. Printing the templates to scale is so important for the final outcome. I discovered a lot!
Printing straight from the pdf copy of my eBook on my computer, making sure to set the scale to 100%, the printed template when overlaid on the template in the book was perfect.
Next printing from my iPad. This was not so successful. From what has been explained to me, because some of the pages in the book are “full bleed” (images go right to the edge of the “page” as if it were paper), the built in Apple print option scales the pages down slightly for compatibility with the maximum number of printer types out there. Very convenient for general printing. Not great for things like templates. Once printed, the template was scaled down and too small. What to do?
After some more exploration, I discovered most printer companies have free apps that allow more functions. My printer is an Epson, so I downloaded the app. I couldn’t access the functionalities I needed. No success in my case.
Moving on to other eReading devices, if you have a Kindle or a Nook that you are loading your ebook onto, and you want to print, it looks like you are also out of luck. My preliminary investigations found that it is not possible to print from these devices.
So where does that leave us? On a positive note! My experience is limited to my publisher, but I can tell you that when you purchase an ebook from Martingale, a link is sent to you in an email and you download the book onto your computer and then onto your eReader. The good news is you can just print from the ebook on your computer. I did open the link in the email on my iPad and loaded it directly onto it, but it was easy to put the ebook onto my computer and I was off and running!
Also, Martingale is including in their ebooks, going forward, a scale page at the beginning of the book. This will allow you to check the printing accuracy of your templates.
Spring is finally here! It is revitalizing to see the scilla, some of the first plants to bloom here, bursting through the grass.
Blue swaths can be seen all around the city where they have naturalized over the years.
It’s a sight that delights!
Have a great week
Happy Stitching!