Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #5

This quilt is exquisitely made! The border has been executed with precision, the corners resolving perfectly in each one. The same is true of the half square triangle border where the colours mirror the patterning of the opposite border. The teeniest of variations can be seen in the appliquéd tulips with tiny bit more variety noted in the appliquéd centre stars. The maker’s attention to detail was fantastic.
The maker’s precision and attention to detail, combined with their eye for design is what sets this quilt apart. Several things contribute to this: the balance they created through the white space they left in the sashing between blocks and through the undulation of the border vines, while at the same time squishing that border vine and leaves right to the edges; the way a half square triangle in the border meets the middle of the tulip motifs adding to a sense of balance; and the combined visual energy of the spinning tulips and the undulating border. That last detail might feel a bit overwhelming or too busy to be successful, but with their combination of effects, the execution is perfection.
If you were to remake this quilt, would you change anything?