Twelve Days of Christmas – #12

Kukui, Molokai-Kukui O Lanikaula, c. 1950-1975, Hawaiian Quilt Research Project/The Quilt Index. Made by Mary Wahineokalani Sylva Lee.


Okay, technically it will be a few more years until this quilt classifies as an antique, but it is so striking I just had to include it and it definitely classifies as mesmerizing!  It reminds me of snowflakes cut from folded paper!  I love, love, love it.  A Hawaiian quilt is now on my bucket list (something I never would have said two months ago!).  I think the motifs look like hollies leaves and berries and I adore the little hearts at the centre!


Merry Christmas and all best wishes for a wonderful New Year!


Mary Elizabeth


Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #11

Delectable Mountains, c. 1850, New England Quilt Museum Permanent Collection/The Quilt Index. Made by Vincy Ann Miller Birdsey.



Delectable Mountains is one of my favourite patterns, and this one is absolutely “delectable” with the star in the centre!  This is also a great example of the visual impact of solids.


I think the shorter side is the one that goes up by the pillows and it helps keep the start centred on the bed.  Why do you think she made one side of the design shorter?


Happy Stitching (and more baking and more wrapping)!

Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #10

Double Nine Patch, Single Irish Chain, c. 1850, Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin. Maker unknown.



When I look at this quilt I cannot help but let out a sigh of delight!  The simplicity of a two colour design sings in this example.  And the triple border provides the perfect balance.  Sigh!


What is your favourite simple quilt design?


Happy Stitching (and wrapping and baking)!

Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #9

Feathered Star, c. 1860-1890, State Historical Society of Iowa/The Quilt Index.                  Made by Bertha Horak Shambaugh.



This quilt measure 90 x 107. The small scale triangles on the feathered star (and I love small pieces!) I think finish around and astonishing 3/4″.


What is the smallest half square triangle you have sewn?


Happy Stitching!


Twelve Quilts of Christmas – #8

Fox and Geese Variation, c. 1876-1900, State Historical Society of Iowa/The Quilt Index. Made by Hulda Sloan.


After the intensity of movement of the last quilt, the simplicity of this quilt is a breath of fresh air.

Okay, I know this quilt is not a pattern that refers to them, but this quilt makes me think of snowballs and wanting to go outside and make a few … which of course means throwing them … which of course means having to build a fort for protection in the battle!  I can still remember the night my mom had to pull me in for dinner as I was building the most awesome fort!


What’s your best snowball memory?


Happy Stitching!