Flowers and Grapes and Sawtooth Wheels, Pennsylvania, United States, c. 1860, 82.5” x 82.25”, Maker unknown.  From the International Quilt Museum, Ardis and Robert James Collection. IQM Object Number: 1997.007.0378


This Mennonite quilt is so carefully and thoughtfully composed.   It has been referred to as a “triumph of original applique design” and rightly so. 


Notice how the red and purple grapes are distributed around the wheels to harmoniously sit with the adjacent wheel.    There is just a wee bit of variation between how the sawtooth triangles are placed in the wheel, which is just enough to keep the design visually engaging.


That outer border … notice how the two vines meet at the top and bottom.  Fun!


And those little teardrop applique shapes, with some almost shaped like small paisleys … swoon!


This quilt has a binding cut on the straight-of-gain, for those who are keeping track of the bias vs. straight-of-grain debate. 


It is such a visual feast!  What is your favourite part of this quilt and why?